Dear Hope,
A really great thing happened today. The grocery store I was shopping at had a sushi chef that is now offering sushi made with BROWN rice! I could hardly believe my luck. So of course I ordered and I waited and I gobbled it up at home and it was THE best sushi ever. I know it may be silly to get all crazy over a little thing like brown rice sushi. In the big scheme of things it is pretty insignificant. But let's face it, if we look at the big picture it doesn't leave me much to smile about.
The big picture is that Lori spent 6 hours in her first round of chemo. The big picture is that she is bracing herself to be sick as a dog and she happily teased me that it will probably occur during MY watch on Sunday and Monday when its my turn to visit her. The big picture is she has cancer. And God do I hate that!
But it's good to know that within that big picture there are still reasons to smile and be grateful. Her tests show that the cancer is in an early stage. She is getting a lot of great support and help. And only one day post chemo, she was up and running and shopping the sales at a baby boutique. Lori knows what the big picture is, yet she deliberately chooses to see the good in life and take advantage of every opportunity for happiness.
Today her opportunity for happiness came when she bought an outfit for the baby girl inside her belly. She told me that it was for next fall and was overjoyed at the clearance price sticker that was attached to the outfit. There was no talk of cancer or treatment or fatigue...just excitement in her voice as she imagined how cute her baby girl was going to look in this outfit in the fall.
What a happy moment for her. I know that my brown rice sushi pales in comparison. But I am convinced that it is those little things that make everything else just a little more bearable. It makes us more aware of all the blessings we have in life. It is the little things that make us a better daughter, a better sister or a better mother. And I know Lori can't wait to be a great mother to her little girl!
Lyra, what an incredible testiment of love to your beautiful, brave, admirable sister. I have not stopped thinking or praying for her since the moment I heard. Thank you for giving those who care so deeply for her a tool to keep track of her couragous journey through cancer.
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